Your team is growing (whoop) and you want to do your part to keep them comfortable, and meet your commitments as a business owner. We will train and support you through any labour law matters so you can run an ethical operation and be well loved by your employees!

Our support includes:

  • Basic labour law training for all staff members
    Labour law training for management/senior staff
  • Discipline / Labour Law advice
    Chair disciplinary enquiries
  • Representation at the following forums (JobLaw and its legal advisors are members of the AHI employer’s organisation):
    Con/Arb proceedings
    Conciliate disputes at CCMA / Bargaining Council
    Arbitrate disputes at CCMA / Bargaining Council
  • Condonation Applications
  • Assistance with Review and Rescission of Awards
  • Representation and assistance with Labour Court Proceedings
  • Union negotiations
    Strike management assistance

There are no one-size-fits-all contracts in small business. Mitigate risk in your establishment by allowing us to draw up personal, legally sound contracts for your staff, clients, investors and vendors. We can also review contracts on your behalf so you can get back to key record players in good time, without signing away your rights!

Our support includes:

  • Compiling of each personalised contract of employment in accordance with your needs and in line with the relevant legislation applicable within your industry
  • Training and implementation of the personalised contracts.

Nobody wants to be on the unfortunate side of business, but the reality is that job loss happens. Let’s make sure that you treat your employees with dignity and respect during the retrenchment process so you can send them off with kindness and avoid any conflict at the CCMA.
Our support includes:

  • Assistance and guidance with retrenchment processes
  • Drafting of retrenchment documentation and liaison with Unions where applicable